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Jennifer Hurvitz, Dating Coach & Relationship Expert
Jennifer Hurvitz is a podcast host, dating coach, relationship expert, and author. Her best-selling book, Woulda. Coulda. Shoulda. A Divorce Coach’s Guide to Staying Married, is featured on Oprah Magazine’s List of the Best Marriage Books to Read with Your Partner for a Healthy Relationship. Her newest book, Midlife Priceless! A Dating Coach’s Guide to Finally Doing Relationships Right is filled with BS-free tips and funny personal anecdotes that will get you on the path to finally doing relationships right. On her podcast, Doing Relationships Right, Jennifer strives to help both married and divorced couples achieve total happiness, no matter their circumstances. <br />For insights about all things relationship, including dating after divorce, connect with Jennifer: Website: JenniferHurvitz.comPod: Doing Relationships RightTikTok: @DoingRelationshipsRightIG: @DoingRelationshipsRightLI: @JenniferHurvitzX: @JenniferHurvitzCoach<br /><br />This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/....5507039/advertisemen