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Jessica Ruhfus Collabosauras - Tinder, Tech and all the f*ck ups. Between burnout & success.
With a background in fashion publicity and marketing education, Jess was frustrated sourcing cool brand partnerships in events, products & social media. So, she launched Collabosaurus in 2015, which has now attracted over 9000+ brands including Porsche, ASOS, Bondi Sands & Marks & Spencer. Jess won the 2019 B&T 30 Under 30 award in Entrepreneurship, & has spoken for Apple, Vogue, General Assembly, Microsoft & The College of Event Management.
Think Tinder, Tech and all the f*ck ups. Between burnout & success.We discuss:
- How far can an idea take you: Hurdle after hurdle after hurdle, how many times can one person keep standing up
- Creative pursuits that bring people together
- Fashion Pr - when what you work towards your whole life is actually not what you want
- Success is how well can you be of service.
- how can we better harness relationships between brands, marketing and influencers.
- Testing humility and ego and being a female tech founder.
- Tangible advice for anyone considering raising, boot strapping or borrowing from friends/family.
- Why systems can change your life
- Failure, baby steps and then abundance - finding joy in the small wins.If you find yourself in a position of just starting a business or perhaps you are deep in the trenches and starting to slip into doubt and burnout
this episode is for you, this is your official sign and glimmer of hope to just keeping going, but go smarter. Jess will walk you through her experience shares and how she came out the other side.