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Jonead Iqbal - Learning, Living, & Thriving, in the Creator Economy
Giving is my fuel.
felt like I was locked in a cage, producing excel reports for executives that looked at them for just a few seconds at most. I wasn't impacting anyone. My future was bound to be filled with useless meetings as the core of my personality, my passion for helping people, wasted away.
Did you know that 95% of job postings are inaccurate and misleading? The job search and interview process is broken. Many good candidates pass over listings because they don't feel they're good enough and, instead, unfit candidates apply. There is also a stigma associated with people without college degrees, who're most often left behind as a result. You wouldn't judge your mechanic by his/her ability to pass a math test, would you?For job seekers who are seeking employment or looking to transition, NoDegree provides customized career strategy assistance.
For businesses who need assistance with their job postings and interview process,NoDegree's role allows you to gain a competitive advantage by having "the right" employee. While you focus on your company culture and bottom line, the candidate you need for your business is being filtered and found.Most recruiters just try to push candidates through so they can get their fee. NoDegree is different. Through the established relationship with the candidate, knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses, NoDegree only places them in environments that they will excel in.
NoDegree works with companies that see past the college degree. Companies like Google, VaynerMedia, IBM and others are on the forefront of this new trend.I am a fierce advocate for extraordinary individuals who have chosen to bypass the traditional college route and go straight into impacting the world.I remember all the people that were kind to me and my mission is to make a difference in companies and in lives. Empathy makes the world a better place and I'm proud to be a contributor. My dream of giving for a living has come true in so many ways.Let's connect. I have not hit the 30K
connection limit. Send me a message if you feel we can work together. I will provide the highest level of service because that's what you deserve.http://linkedin.com/in/jonaed
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