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Jonny Lieberman (Top 5 Euro Tuners)
Jonny Lieberman is here to talk about his time street-driving the new Porsche GT3 RS, his drive in the crazy Guntherwerks Prototype, and our main topic: our five favorite European Tuner Cars.<br /> Plus questions about how much money you need to be a car enthusiast; why to keep your sports car when the snow comes; a good affordable bourbon; Audi S3 vs Golf R; and the great speed limits vs guns debate.<br /> Recorded February 5, 2024 “Get 20% off Groove Life products with my link: Use Off The Record! and ALWAYS fight your tickets! Enter code TSTPOD for a 10% discount on your first case on the Off The Record app, or go to<br /> Want your question answered? Want to watch the live stream, get ad-free podcasts, or exclusive podcasts? Join our Patreon: Tweet at us! Instagram:
Want your question answered? Want to watch the live stream, get ad-free podcasts, or exclusive podcasts? Join our Patreon: Use Off The Record! and ALWAYS fight your tickets! Enter code TST10 for a 10% discount on your first case on the Off The Record app, or go to Watch our car reviews:
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