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Joyful Corner: Cherishing Soul-Filling Friendships
A few weekends ago, I had the incredible pleasure of spending quality time with dear friends. This heartwarming experience left me feeling so uplifted and reminded me of the power of genuine connection - the weekend included lots of kiddos playing together, laughter and happiness filled the air, and we all created new memories together!<br/><br/>I also found it particularly helpful to be surrounded by love and kindness as I faced the emotional anniversary of my brother's passing. I hope this episode serves as a reminder to us all to cherish those soul-filling friendships and to make an effort to maintain them, whether it's through a quick text, virtual catch-up, or weekend getaway. <br/><br/>So here's your reminder to reach out to your loved ones, and spread some joy and love around! <br/><br/>Don't forget to join our free Insiders Facebook group at mskatehouse.com/community to be a part of our mindful, gratitude-practicing community!---<br/><br/>READY TO LIVE BY DESIGN, AND NOT BY DEFAULT?<br/><br/>🎧 Join the FREE Goals with Soul Summit <br/>www.goalswithsoulsummit.com<br/><br/>🌟 Hop into our FREE Facebook Group<br/>www.mskatehouse.com/community<br/><br/>☎ Schedule a free 30 minute Discovery Call with Kate!<br/>www.mskatehouse.com/discoverycall<br/><br/>🎉 1-on-1 Health, Self-love, & Mindset Coaching<br/>www.mskatehouse.com/coaching<br/><br/>📚 Enroll in the Pursue Your Purpose Masterclass<br/>www.mskatehouse.com/purpose<br/><br/>💖 Join the LBD Collective Sisterhood<br/>www.mskatehouse.com/lbdcollective<br/><br/>💌 Connect<br/>kate@mskatehouse.com