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Kaysha Woollery - Validation, Sustainability and Becoming The Next 'Me'
This week I sat down with a very good friend I made earlier this year filming in Morocco - the awesome actress, Kaysha Woollery (she/her).<br> <br> Kaysha is a London-based actor. With over a decade's acting experience, she has worked with a range of notable companies, including Netflix, Amazon Prime, National Theatre Scotland, The Young Vic, The Bush, Lyric Hammersmith, and The Old Vic. She recently starred as Chantelle Fry in an episode of Doctors, which is available to watch NOW on BBC iPlayer: click here to watch Kaysha's episode of Doctors on iPlayer!<br> <br> Kaysha is frank, funny and oh so talented and I am so excited for you to hear her very refreshing perspective on both the industry and her own career. Enjoy!<br> <br> You can follow Kaysha Woollery on social media at:<br> Instagram: @kayshawoollery<br> Twitter: @kayshawoollery <br> <br> Thank you to our sponsors, London Nootropics. You can get 15% off any of London Nootropics' awesome adaptogenic coffee for yourself now, using the voucher code 'adelej' exclusively at www.londonnootropics.com