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Kennedy + Remy & Finn: An Animal Assisted Therapy team in Indiana.
✨ Become a confident, resilient Therapy Dog team in 10 weeks with my Life Skills for Therapy Dog Teams course—limited time enrollment: https://sherrierohde.com/course—Kennedy pursued Therapy Dog training with her rescue and now she’s applying what she’s learned with her new prospect, Finn.In this 85th episode of Therapy Dog Talk, I sit down with Kennedy Connor, a licensed child and adolescent therapist in Indianapolis. Kennedy shares about her therapy dog training journey with her four-year-old pup, Remy, a natural Therapy Dog “unicorn,” who has joined her in Animal-Assisted Therapy as well as the steps she’s taking to prepare her four month old field spaniel, Finn, for a future in therapy work.In this episode, we discuss …How Kennedy helped Remy to become a confident Therapy Dog.What she looked for in selecting Finn as a therapy prospect.How Therapy Dog training isn’t linear and is an ongoing effort.—I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I do. Give it a watch or a listen and then let me know in the community which part you found the most helpful!—How to get started as a Therapy Dog team:http://freeguide.therapydogtalk.comFollow us on Instagram:https://instagram.com/thementa....lhealthmuttshttps:// show notes: https://sherrierohde.com/85