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La Cruz de Alajuelita Murder Massacre: The Unsolved Mystery of Costa Rica's Serial Killer El Psicópata

0 Views· 09/05/23
Making Fun of Dead People

In this gripping episode of "Unveiling the Web," we delve deep into the chilling case of Costa Rica's unidentified serial killer, infamously known as "El Psicópata " - "The Psychopath." Between 1986 and 1996, 19 women met a tragic end, leaving a nation in fear and law enforcement puzzled. What connects these victims? How did the killer evade capture for a decade? And what role did public outcry play in this complex investigation? Join us as we explore the victim profiles, geographical patterns, and the haunting modus operandi that links these 19 unsolved crimes. We'll also discuss the controversial arrests and releases that shook the Costa Rican justice system and left the public in disbelief. Don't miss this spine-tingling episode that uncovers one of Costa Rica's most enigmatic and unresolved cases.

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