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“The Girl With The Dragon Eyebrows”
This week Moshe and Natasha return from their recent RV and backpacking trips to share stories of burying shits in the woods, Natasha almost knocking their child off a cliff, and more. Plus, Mayor Cutie chimes in for (possibly) the last time. They give advice to one caller with an estranged twin sister and another whose ex wants to change their child’s name. Submit your deepest secrets to the Endless Honeymoon Secrets Hotline: (213) 222-8608 and ask Natasha and Moshe for relationship advice: endlesshoneymoonpod@gmail.com. Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEH We have merch! Get beanies, mugs, silk robes, and more: http://endlesshoneymoonpod.com/shop Come to our next dinner party, get merch discounts, mystery boxes, etc.: https://www.patreon.com/endlesshoneymoon This week’s episode is brought to you by: https://nutrafol.com/scalp (use code HONEYMOON)https://rocketmoney.com/honeym....oonhttp://honeylove.