Let's Talk About the Two Truths
We decided this week to speak about the Two Truths-- the Relative and the Absolute, or the Mundane and the Ultimate. Are they real or just another construct? How did they find their way into the Buddhist teachings? How can we practice with them today? Is there even something to practice?<br/><br/>Doug's Videos on the Two Truths:<br/>The Buddhist Doctrine of Two Truths: Origins -- https://youtu.be/qL_sspJzQx8<br/>The Buddhist Doctrine of Two Truths: Abhidharma and Nagarjuna -- https://youtu.be/yBKK1HvieqU<br/>Is the Two Truths Doctrine a Problem for Early Buddhism? -- https://youtu.be/q5nHLz1xoSUSupport the showGo to our website to leave a comment, buy us a coffee, or see further notes and links: https://digginthedharma.com/