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Listening in on Logistics: 3Q22 Insights on UPS, FedEx & Amazon with Cathy Morrow Roberson
How did three top global logistics enterprises perform in Q3, and what can we glean from their strategies moving forward? In this episode, Scott consults with supply chain writer Cathy Morrow Roberson, aka the earnings call expert. Combining her love of research with all things supply chain, Cathy is a veteran listener and learner here to school us on how UPS, FedEx and Amazon are navigating logistics challenges, how the holiday season is shaping up, the future of air freight and more.Additional Links & Resources:Learn more about Supply Chain Now: https://supplychainnow.comCheck out our new Supply Chain Now Media Kit: https://bit.ly/3zKRLyLSubscribe to Supply Chain Now and all other Supply Chain Now programs: https://supplychainnow.com/subscribeLeveraging Logistics and Supply Chain for Ukraine: https://vectorgl.com/stand-with-ukraine/2022 Q3 U.S. Bank Freight Payment Index: https://freight.usbank.comWEBINAR- Undermanaged Spend Categories: How GPOs Can Help Mitigate Your Risks: https://bit.ly/3SM5WeK
This episode is hosted by Scott Luton. For additional information, please visit our dedicated show page at: https://supplychainnow.com/lis....tening-logistics-ins