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Living Your Ideal Life
Our guest Mark Congdon has studied the way the chemical reaction that our brains undergo when setting and achieving goals. He has studied people at the peak of their performance and coached many on how to live the life they were meant to be by asking a simple question "Who is the person you want to be at the end of your life?" His company "The Ideal Life" has been helping people achieve fulfilling happiness in their lives using the I GOT This Framework. We are going to dive into Mark's journey and tap into his advice in this session. In this episode you will learn:About Mark's personal journey and how he made the direct connection through psychology to help unlock a system that would help so many accomplish more in life.How the brains chemicals "DOSE" works in goal setting and achievement.Next steps for people interested in either being a student in a learning cohort for "Theideallife.com" program or consider being a coach.