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Logistics Automation Readiness w/ Patricia Laureys & Jennifer Hall
Logistics automation is transforming supply chain operations and improving employee satisfaction. But it's not just about picking your automation equipment and sending it off to the vendor. There's a crucial phase between solution selection and implementation that can't be overlooked: getting your organization ready for automation. How prepared is your company? Tune in for an insightful discussion on some key topics: 1️⃣ The push towards automation: Labor shortages, escalating logistics costs, and the need for rapid eCommerce fulfillment are driving companies to embrace warehouse automation. 2️⃣ Technological advancements: Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are transforming the logistics landscape. They offer scalable solutions that can adapt to changing business needs and volume fluctuations. 3️⃣ Preparing for automation: The transition to automation requires careful planning and preparation. This is where LIDD's logistics automation readiness tool comes in handy. It helps you asses your current state, identifying potential areas for improvement and eliminating risks before implementation.🔗 Fill out the assessment to ensure your business is properly prepared for automation. http://bit.ly/3sHaT0N