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MACtion (Tuesday & Wednesday) Week 12 Preview & Picks
The College Football Experience (@TCEonSGPN) on the Sports Gambling Podcast Network previews the upcoming College Football Week 12 for MACtion. Pick Dundee aka (@TheColbyD) breaks down each and every game being played in the MAC this week and keys in on his top plays and what you should be betting on. Are the Northern Illinois Huskies going to get revenge on the Miami OH Redhawks? Can the Bowling Green Falcons get to bowl eligible as they head to the Glass Bowl to take on the Toledo Rockets and Dequan Finn? Will we be seeing some weather in the Ohio @ Ball State game that could perhaps hinder the Ohio Bobcats offense? Will Eastern Michigan and Hassan Beydoun be a live dog when they take on Carson Steele and the Ball State Cardinals? Can Central Michigan keep their bowl hopes alive by knocking off rival Western Michigan at home in Mount Pleasant? Will the Buffalo Bulls put it on the Akron Zips and the stay in the MAC Championship race? We talk it all and more on this Week 12 MACtion episode of The College Football Experience.
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