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Media Mogul Barry Diller: Netflix Victory & TikTok Speed Bumps 11/07/22
Layoffs are sweeping Silicon Valley. In a wide-ranging interview, Chairman of IAC and of Expedia Barry Diller comments on Meta’s layoffs and Mark Zuckerberg’s $30B bet on the metaverse, the midterm elections, TikTok’s stateside future (or lack thereof), and Netflix’s dominance in the streaming wars. The media mogul considers Elon Musk’s next move, and inflation’s squeeze on corporate bottom lines. Plus, Diller goes on the record about the Microsoft-Activision Blizzard acquisition that landed him in a federal investigation. In this episode:Joe Kernen, @JoeSquawkAndrew Ross Sorkin, @andrewrsorkinBecky Quick @BeckyQuickKatie Kramer, @Kramer_Katie
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