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Mental Health, Emotional Regulation and the Natural World
My guest today on The Wild Minds Podcast is Alison Roy. Alison Roy is an experienced Psychotherapist, Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist, author, specialist consultant and trainer. Her experience has taught her to understand how important our communications are and how they can enhance or inhibit our relationships in every aspect of our lives. She is invested in helping others to build more healthy relationships through meaningful conversations and enabling people to be more resilient, creative and resourceful. In her work with individuals, couples, families and groups she focuses on the deep significance of early attachments and the impact of trauma and loss on the personality. As the co-founder and previously the Clinical Lead for the CAMHS and East Sussex specialist adoption service – AdCAMHS, she has learned much from those who have experienced significant losses, shocks and challenges in their lives and just how complicated life can be. She has also written a book about adoption, a chapter about education through the arts and contributes regularly to the press and mainstream media.In this episode, we discuss:How nature as our first home is part of a healthy mental health. How gratitude is not necessarily instinctive. Metaphors that help us to understand ourselves. That some children will only engage when they are physical, so the need to be outside and move is paramount. <br/>Show Notes:https://www.theoutdoorteacher.....com/p/the-wild-minds Music by Geoff Robb: www.geoffrobb.comTwitter: @alisonroy20Linked in: Alison-RoyWebsite: www.psych-communications.comA For Adoption: Book on adoption: https://www.routledge.com/A-fo....r-Adoption-An-Explor stories training for professionals. Contact Alison through her website or email her on: info@psych-comms.com Creativity in education and children in distress. Alison has written a chapter in a book called Education through the arts: https://www.routledge.com/Educ....ation-through-the-Ar practice groups – Alison facilitates reflective practice groups for public, community based and private sector organisations. See: https://www.psych-communicatio....ns.com/consultation- Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple PodcastsIf you have enjoyed today's episode, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This really helps me to spread the word to more people like you, and to em