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Mid-year Update: Chargeback Rule Changes & Coordinated Cyber + Fraud Attacks
Did you hear? Forter is hosting it's 2nd annual IMPACT Conference, Oct 11 in NYC. Head to forter.com/impact for all the details.Want to learn more about our presenting sponsor? Forter.com/fraudology, a special microsite designed in a pitch-free way for you to learn more.As a follow-up to the conversation with Frank & Mary Ann on Tuesday's episode, Karisse talks about two of the predictions that she contributed to their combined list for 2023. Did these two predictions prove to impact the online fraud industry as much as expected? Or could they become more of an issue in the 2nd half of the year?The two main topics of this podcast are: The 2023 Visa Rule "Update" referred to as "Compelling Evidence 3.0" and the current status** of the impact to CNP merchants since going into affect in April 2023. And the insular fraud attacks that leverage cyber skills (hacking, data breaches, DDoS attacks etc) with financial fraud methods. (**Since recording this episode, more information has been provided to show that while some merchants aren't seeing much of an impact, others are seeing more drastic changes to their fraud chargeback win-rates than was represented in this episode. The reasons behind the inconsistencies still need to be investigated, but we'll try to provide an even newer update once one is available.)Fraudology is hosted by Karisse Hendrick, a fraud fighter with decades of experience advising hundreds of the biggest ecommerce companies in the world on fraud, chargebacks, and other forms of abuse impacting a company's bottom line. Connect with her on LinkedIn She brings her experience, expertise, and extensive network of experts to this podcast semi weekly, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.