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Middangeard Radio Unveils Middle-Earth's True Voices: Eowyn, Galadriel, and Balrog Speak Out on Stereotypes and Destiny
In this episode of Middangeard Radio, we embarked on a riveting journey through the minds of Middle-earth's residents. Eowyn wielded her frustration with the persistent underestimation of women, Galadriel dazzled with visions from her legendary Mirror, and even the fearsome Balrog stepped up to break down stereotypes. This radio show was filled with laughter, surprises, and thought-provoking conversations as we explored a wide array of topics. Middangeard Radio continues to deliver the strange, the hilarious, and the captivating to audiences across Middle-earth.
NOTE: A special episode made upon request for Magister Falk to demonstrate the flexibility of my Podcast generator. <br /> Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.