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Monica : What Does "Practical" Mean to Me? 10 Examples to Illustrate How to Get Practical
"Let's Get Practical" hit double digits - 10 EPISODES!
This milestone may seem small, but to ADHD-no-consistency me, it signifies an enormous achievement.
My heartfelt gratitude goes to each listener who's downloaded, tuned in, checked us out, and left reviews. Your support means a ton. In this special 10th episode, I get personal and I reflect on 10 ways to unpack the concept of "Practical." Life is a domino series of decisions, each impacting the next fork in life. The term "Practical" is subjective, manifesting differently for everyone. So, I'll share the top 10 interpretations of practicality that have been transformative in my life.
Tune in and let's get practical!
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