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NBA Picks, Predictions & Best Basketball Betting Odds [Tuesday, Nov 1st]
The BetUS NBA Show previews the best games for you to wager on to make winning NBA bets.<br/><br/>The NBA has a 4 game slate for Tuesday Night NBA action. The Chicago Bulls travel to Brooklyn to face the Nets in the first nationally televised game on TNT. The NBA champion Golden State Warriors meet the always tough Miami Heat. The second TNT game will be the Minnesota Timberwolves vs the Phoenix Suns. Get the best ways to approach these exciting televised games and more insights from the BetUS team to make winning NBA picks.<br/><br/>Tune in for the latest news on the NBA as BetUS’s host, Jay Money, and NBA experts Josh C and Chris Farley break down the latest basketball betting trends and most valuable betting odds, to give you their NBA Picks and Predictions.