NewsWest 6th November 2022
NewsWest for Sunday 6th November 2022 is the Club Focus edition and we have news from clubs around Western Australia, we give you the results of the day raffle at PerthTech and there’s more, on NewsWest, which can be heard on air, on demand, online and on screen.
Remember, remember the 5th of November? I didn't. I forgot, but nonetheless, NewsWest can be heard on air, on demand, online and on screen.
NewsWest continues the provision of Amateur Radio News in Western Australia, which began in 1931.
NewsWest can be heard on-air, online, on-screen, and on demand. Find out how to hear NewsWest at our website, vk6 dot net. You can contact the news team with an email to
NewsWest is now available in video format - click here
NewsWest invites programme contributions. You can send yours as email attachments to - our editorial policy is that items should be about Amateur Radio, and relating to, or of interest to, Radio amateurs in Western Australia.
Originating in Perth Western Australia, NewsWest is produced by WA Amateur Radio News for listeners on-air, online and on demand.
Whichever way you're listening, whether you're a licensed radio amateur or not, experienced or just a beginner, old or young, thanks for being here and thanks for joining us.
Web: Email:
Producer: Bob VK6POP
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