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Not E3 2023
Mike and Ting talk about the games announced this summer. Contact us: @lostlevelsclub or mike.and.ting@lostlevels.club Show Notes: Starfield Starfield Official Gameplay Trailer (YouTube) Interstellar (2014) - IMDb Physicist who inspired Interstellar spills the backstory—and the scene that makes him cringe | Science Starfield Direct – Gameplay Deep Dive (YouTube) Is No Man's Sky Worth Playing In 2023? Every Elder Scrolls Game Ranked By Map Size The Director | Left 4 Dead Wiki Starfield Doesn’t Let You Fly Seamlessly from Space to Planet: ‘That’s Really Just Not that Important’ - IGN X: Beyond the Frontier - Wikipedia Starfield's robot companion Vasco will say the player's name just like Fallout 4 | GamesRadar+ Starfield predicts a grim fate for Earth, after the community spots this detail - VideoGamer.com Nintendo Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Nintendo Direct 6.21.2023 (YouTube) Why do we say "big brown dog" instead of "brown big dog"? - Wisdom Biscuits New Super Mario Bros. - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia Super Mario Run Why Puss In Boots 2 Looks So Different To Shrek Super Mario RPG - Nintendo Direct 6.21.2023 (YouTube) Smash Ultimate leaker explains why Nintendo won’t make Geno a fighter - Dexerto Paper Mario (video game) - Wikipedia Untitled Princess Peach Game - Teaser | Nintendo Direct 2023 (YouTube) Nintendo's backward compatibility Problem... | MVG (YouTube) Rapid Fire Baldur’s Gate 3 gets new PC release date, delayed PS5 version - Polygon Divinity: Original Sin 2 Star Trek: Infinite - Gameplay Reveal Trailer Star Trek: Birth of the Federation - Wikipedia