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Overcome Gossip, Lean Into Faith + Sow Seeds of What YOU Want to Receive
Stop sowing seeds of weeds if you want to reach your full bloom! Discover how to overcome gossip & grudges by choosing God.
Links + Resources:DM me the word ‘Deliverance’ for a special deliverance prayer!
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Show Notes:The words you choose to speak out loud says volumes about you! This episode is all about gossip and how we can defeat it by choosing love, forgiveness, and truth! We’ll talk about the seeds of weeds we sow when we fall to fear & gossip, and how we can instead reach our full bloom through the power of prayer. I’ll share the keys for defeating grudges, strengthening your spirit through God’s truth, and living out your best self. Before you turn to gossip, turn to God. Speak forgiveness into the world and let more blessings come to you!
00:35 What has been my experience with gossip?04:35 Choosing forgiveness over fear.08:10 What should we turn to before gossip?11:10 Who does gossip bring death to?15:00 What does gossip reveal about you? 18:05 Sowing seeds of love versus sowing seeds of weeds.21:45 Who do you need to partner yourself with?23:10 How can we combat gossip with God?