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Part 6: India's space journey - Dr.Abdul Kalam and how rockets took off from Sriharikota
Seeing rockets go up in a billowing cloud of smoke from Sriharikota is more often than not, associated with success. It was not so, in the 1980s and 1990s. Scientists at ISRO struggled with many failures and had to face growing criticism from the press for nearly a decade. Unfazed by all this, today, ISRO can proudly stake claim to having built one of the most powerful satellite launch vehicles in the world - this powerhorse is called Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)<br/><br/>Listen on to find what Dr.Kalam and other scientists at ISRO did, to keep the spirits up.Support the showTo subscribe for your free copy of the newsletter: please click here<br/>If you would like to get whatsapp alerts about new episodes: please click here <br/>To speak on the show as a co-host: follow us on Instagram to find out how <br/> <br/>If you like what you're listening to, please do support us by contributing whatever you like, and for some exclusive benefits<br/><br/>Send us your comments at hello@wsnt.in.