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Paying Attention to Your Human Design Energy Empath - And to What is Not Yours
Do you often feel overwhelmed by the emotions and energies of others, unable to differentiate them from your own?If so, then this podcast episode is tailor-made for you. Hosted by Raven a Human Design Expert, she reads a listener's chart for you to gain insight, and practical strategies to help you embrace your empathic gifts while maintaining healthy energetic boundaries. Here are some key moments:Generator Type How to listen to your Inner Authority Reading of her GatesUnderstanding the Centers<br/>Join The Empath Healing Community for FREE & Receive Sparkle Reminder inspiration every Saturday & strategies to heal from Narc Abuse and get your FREE Human Design chart Summary Empath & Narcissist Healing Book &on AudibleBetter Help
Music YouTube Library: Wondering by Purrple Cat | https://purrplecat.com/ Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/li....censes/by-sa/3.0/Out Believe by NeffexMentioned in this episode:Empath Healing CommunityEmpath & Narcissist Spiritual Healing BookEmpath & Narcissist Healing Book