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[PODCAST 213]: Stories of Inspiring Progress (If They Can Do It, So Can You!)
I love seeing what other people–just like me–are doing to make progress, find joy, create order, and build lives they can’t wait to wake up and live. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been receiving literally hundreds of emails, messages, and success stories from our community members, and today I’m highlighting just a few, but I’m doing this in a way that hopefully will feel exciting and actionable for you. After each story, I’m offering a link that will enable you to go deeper and make progress in your own life. I want you to know that LearnDoBecome is here for you, and we know that as you take doable steps each day, you’ll see that organization, clarity, and JOY is for you, too! Let’s dive in! (1) Celebrating Wins as We Go Many of you know that this month, our team is working with our Four Weeks to Finished group coaching program. We spent the first two weeks building the distinct parts of the STEP Command Central, and then we gathered last week to dive into the Weekly Review. At the beginning of the class, I invited our members to celebrate their wins, and this is a really important step that we often miss. (This absolutely includes me….) In the book, The Gap and the Gain, by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, I learned that when we focus on on gains (what we’ve learned, achieved, etc.) verses the gaps in our lives (how far we are from where we want to be), we experience more joy and momentum. I’ve noticed this really works, and so I’ve been personally noting my wins every single week, and it’s amazing how positive and light I’ve been feeling. Here are a few wins shared by our members regarding their work building their STEP Command Centrals: I can’t tell you how proud I am of each of these members, and I’d love for you to take a moment to acknowledge your success, as well! How You Could Put This Into Action: A few years ago, one of our team members created a “Happy Success List” that works in tandem with her Next Actions List. It’s a fun way to measure our gains each week, and you can click here to learn more! (2) Starting With What We Have One of our STEPpers/Finishers named Stephanie posted this photo and said, ”It’s all ‘made’ but on the dining room table! Still reason to celebrate!!!”