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Politically Correct Terminology & Fatty Liver Disease on the rise
Jeanine and Mike are back in the pod. Jeanine discovers that she may not be fully aware of all the new politically correct terminology changes. She goes over some of the most common ones. They also discuss how some dont seem to make any sense. Jeanine goes on to share that fatty liver disease is on the rise and how to make sure you dont end up with it. They finish out the episode discussing the importance of taking care of our bodies and how they are intricate machines.
Jeanine Personal IGHttps://www.instagram.com/mrsceo_j
Weight Loss IGHttps://www.instagram.com/jsbodybootcamp
YouTube Https://www.youtube.com/c/jeanineescobar
Amazon StorefontHttps://www.amazon.com/shop/mrsceo_j
BUILT Bar Discount code: MRSCEOJhttps://builtbar.com?baapp=MRSCEOJ
INNO Supps Code Jeanine