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Powerful Lessons in Media for 2023 — with Joe Pulizzi of The Tilt Media
Welcome back to another episode of the Send & Grow podcast. This week, SparkLoop content marketer Dylan Redekop sits down with Joe Pulizzi of The Tilt Media. Joe is considered the "godfather" of content marketing, founding Content Marketing Institute in 2007 and selling it 9 years later. In addition to writing a number of content marketing books, he's founded The Tilt Media, a growing newsletter & education business, along with its own live event: the Creator Economy Expo. Joe has been in the media game for a long time and has a lot of lessons to share.
In this episode, Dylan & Joe discuss…
How to make a newsletter model successful for your business
How to leverage the "Subscriber Hierarchy"
Why most operators should only focus on ONE platform
10 different ways to monetize a media business
Why right now is the best time ever to build a content or media business
and so much more!
Other Links Mentioned
Joe Pulizzi on Twitter
Joe Pulizzi on LinkedIn
Dylan on Twitter
Content Inc. Podcast
This Old Marketing Podcast