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Preparing Students to Be Literate and Critical AI Users
See our extended episode notes at https://www.centerforengagedle....arning.org/preparing Gisclair, an Associate Professor of Strategic Communications, is wrestling with how artificial intelligence might change her teaching practices. She is optimistic that educators can leverage AI as a tool to enhance learning outcomes and shares some of her ideas and concerns with our podcast. Panelists Derek Bruff, Jill McSweeney, and Gianna Smurro offer some practical and philosophical insight that helps us think about positive use cases for AI in the classroom, the importance of having a plan for AI use, and some of the ethical concerns raised by both instructors and students about how AI and the information we share with it may be used.This episode was hosted by Matt Wittstein and edited by Jeremiah Timberlake and Matt Wittstein. Limed: Teaching with a Twist is produced in collaboration with Elon University's Center for Engaged Learning.