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Pricing FAQs: How much can you charge? Can you say no refunds? + More
Are you struggling with navigating the legal waters of pricing your offers online? You're not alone. This topic is such a gray area for many entrepreneurs, and there's a ton of misinformation out there. In this episode, I'm going to deep dive into the do's and don'ts of pricing, recurring payments, refunds, and so much more. Let's debunk those myths and get to the heart of what's legal, what's not, and how to protect your business every step of the way.In this episode, you’ll hear…Legal and marketing concerns around pricing your products and servicesMaking sure your refund policy is legally legitHow to do recurring payments safely<br/>If you’d like a shoutout (and a chance to win a $20 gift card), just leave a review on Apple Podcasts and send a screenshot of it to me on Instagram via DMs!Click here to find the full show notes and transcript for this episode.RESOURCES:Episode 39. How to Price Your OffersNY Return Policy: Refunds, Rebates, and RainchecksShop my templates in the Template ShopWe would love to hear your feedback in our listener survey <br/>CONNECT:Sam on InstagramSam on FacebookOn Your Terms on Instagram<br/>
Produced by NOVA Media