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Professional Practioner Of Occult Sciences & Researcher Ken Allen Live!
On this episode of Talking With The Source with Robin away Nando Desario from Portal To The Paranormal stepped in with AJ to talk with Ken Allen. Ken is a Professional Practitioner Of Occult Sciences. He hails from Florida.Leveraging years of study and practice in Seiðr, Voodoo, Hoodoo together with his Muskogee First nations magick, he has assisted his community in administering guidance, counselling and comfort through a "whatever it takes attitude" to get it done. His practice includes performing healing rituals, conjure, ceremonies and Chaos Magick etc.A professional although admittedly an unorthodox Occultist that has been a practitioner of the ancient Arts of magick in one form or another since the age of 11.Ken is a ceremonial Magician practicing Solomonic magick grimoire based magick, Chaos magick, invocation as well as evocation magick. Ken practices Rune magick, house blessings and cleansing. Ken is a Demonolater and a practitioner of Goetic magick.He also works with the Demons Orobas, Stolas and Bune.Ken also has a Djinn spirit that has been his guide since the age of 6 years old. His Djinn is his guardian. Ken is primarily a magician of LHP (left hand path) magick and philosophy.Ken is well known for speaking his mind unapologetically!A very approachable guy who is willing to help any and all in need.VISIT KEN NOW BY GOING TO LINKS BELOW:Facebook:Ken AllenThe Wizards Table Podcast:https://www.facebook.com/TheWi....zardsTable?mibextid= Hauntz:https://m.facebook.com/HollywoodHauntz?mibextid=ZbWKwL&source=xma_web_urlDon’t forget to follow Talking With The Source on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to be apart of the show by commenting live and watch all our episodes in video!!