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PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #534 (“Hold Your Tongue”)
THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #534 (“Hold Your Tongue”) This week Mike gets back to hosting the Golden Tracks Album feature with an exceptional release from 1973, along with a bunch of other great newer music with which you may not be familiar. So it’ll be a typically atypical show. PLAYLIST: Mohini Dey – “Kick B’Ass” from Mohihi Dey on Mohini Dey Music (2023) [01:33] Magnified Eye – “On The Edge Of A Stone” from The Last Sun on Daredevil Records (2002) [06:53] Tu Brüles Mon Esprit – “Dix ans de chaînes” from Master Série on Et Mon Cul C’est Du Tofu? (2017) [11:09] Bushman’s Revenge – “Hallowed Be Thy Fame” from All The Better For Seeing You on Is It Jazz? Records (2023) [21:59] King Crimson – “Book of Saturday” from Larks’ Tongue In Aspic (40th Anniversary) on Discipline Global Music (1973) [32:39] King Crimson – “Exiles” from Larks’ Tongue In Aspic (40th Anniversary) on Discipline Global Music (1973) [35:32] Sadhappy – “Everyone Thinks I’m An Asshole (But I’m Really Just A Skull Bongo)” from Depth Charge on Periscope Recordings (1992) [44:39] King Crimson – “Easy Money” from Larks’ Tongue In Aspic (40th Anniversary) on Discipline Global Music (1973) [48:50] Blituri – “Gambit” from Blituri on Independent (2014) [57:29] Mohini Dey – “Bombay Bong” from Mohini Dey on Mohini Dey Music (2023) [01:00:13] Blituri – “Hispide Ramsaak” from