Prophet Pearls #6 – Toldot (Malachi 1:1-2:7)

0 Views· 11/22/22
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In this episode of Prophet Pearls, Toldot (Malachi 1:1-2:7), if context is key, Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson have opened the door. We learn the exact historical context of Malachi’s message, a specific event at Sinai to which he referred, and the current events on the Temple Mount that prove the Prophet’s words to be as relevant as ever. Gordon tracks down a lost root to clarify the job description of a “messenger” and sets the record straight on “Levites,” “priests” and “cohanim.”  Regarding Malachi’s prophecy, “my name is great among the nations,” Gordon tells of Icelanders and Filipinos who have gathered themselves with Yehovah and encourages listeners to be ready to do likewise. "For from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting,<br /> my name is great among the nations..." (Malachi 1:11) I look forward to reading your comments! Download Prophet Pearls Toldot Transcript Prophet Pearls #6 - Toldot (Malachi 1:1-2:7)<br /> You are listening to Prophet Pearls with Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at Keith: Shalom chaverim shelanu! What? That’s not going to work for this one, Nehemia, because I’m not going to do the regular greeting, and here’s why. Nehemia: Why not? Keith: It’s your birthday. It’s your birthday. It’s your birthday. Folks, it is Keith Johnson here. We’re looking at Prophet Pearls, finding pearls for you. But I’m with my special friend Nehemia Gordon. It is your birthday, and in fact, Nehemia your birthday falls on the same day as my oldest son Taylor’s birthday. I’d like to say happy birthday to both of you. Why don’t you give us a good old birthday greeting here? Nehemia: Yom huledet sameach to Taylor. Can I tell you a really funny story? Keith: Yes. Nehemia: My last birthday, I was in China and there were nine foreign teachers there and three of the foreign teachers have the same birthday, my birthday. Keith:

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