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"Game On to Sold: Where Real Estate Meets Sports and Entertainment"
Welcome to ""Game On to Sold: Where Real Estate Meets Sports and Entertainment" a captivating podcast hosted by Nico and Sasha Attanasio, where they explore the fascinating intersection of real estate, sports, and entertainment. In this episode, they invite a special guest, Justin Bruce, hailing from Columbus, Ohio, to delve into the exciting realm of real estate within the sports and entertainment industries.Nico and Sasha Attanasio, renowned real estate moguls and avid sports enthusiasts, bring their unique perspectives and extensive knowledge to the forefront as they discuss various topics with their guests. Their passion for both real estate and sports shines through as they uncover the behind-the-scenes intricacies of these captivating industries.In this particular episode, Nico and Sasha are thrilled to have Justin Bruce join them. Together, they embark on a captivating exploration of real estate's influence on the sports world. They shed light on the sports youth camps that Nico and Sasha sponsor, including an upcoming one scheduled for Monday, June 26, 2023. The episode highlights their excitement about featuring the talented Jasson Dominguez, who is not only the Major League Baseball's #34 overall prospect but also The New York Yankees' #1 overall prospect. Listeners can expect fascinating insights into the world of youth sports and how real estate plays a pivotal role in supporting young athletes.As the episode progresses, Nico and Sasha effortlessly transition into discussing the entertainment aspect of the industry. They tantalize listeners with intriguing details of their recent meeting with a prominent music record label. Sharing their experiences and stories, they provide a glimpse into the dynamic synergy between real estate and the entertainment world. From music venues to celebrity homes, they explore how real estate impacts the lives of entertainers and their fans.Join Nico, Sasha, and their guest Justin Bruce on "Game On to Sold: Where Real Estate Meets Sports and Entertainment" as they bring together the worlds of real estate, sports, and entertainment. Discover the hidden connections, captivating stories, and unique insights that make these industries come alive in an engaging and informative podcast experience.