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"Ruby Ridge: Government Overreach" with Robert Renfrow
In August of 1992, Randy Weaver's family came under siege by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). The 11 day siege would come to be known as the "Ruby Ridge Incident". During the Ruby Ridge Incident, Randy's wife Vicki, their 14 year old son Samuel, and the family dog, Striker, were killed. Additionally, United States Marshall William Degen also lost his life. When you listen you will hear how the ATF committed crimes to entrap Randy Weaver, how they stalked him and his family for months prior to forced contact, and how Randy Weaver successfully sued the US Government and was awarded a settlement of $3.1 million dollars for their agencies' wrongdoings. However, the most important piece not to be overlooked, is how much the FBI and the ATF tried to cover up their mistakes to mask the truth about what happened over those 11 days and even issued awards to those involved. Furthermore, several of the agents involved were also later responsible during the large scale disaster in Waco, Texas with David Koresh's "Branch Davidians". In this episode we host Robert Renfrow, a retired US Air Force Security Forces Senior Master Sergeant and friend of Randy Weaver. Rob does an excellent job at giving us an account of who Randy really was and helps to humanize a man often demonized by mainstream media. "I Came With Fire Podcast" is sponsored by "Red Clover Coffee". Red Clover Coffee is a Veteran owned and operated business that donates a portion of its profits to several awesome charities. If you want some absolutely delicious coffee and to help out a good cause or two, head over to www.redclovercoffee.com and use our checkout code "camewithfire" for 10% off your entire purchase!"I Came With Fire Podcast" is also sponsored by "Sheep's Clothing LLC". Sheep's Clothing's mission is to "Redefine Violence", by supporting all practitioners of any violent art, discipline, or profession. Additionally, they seek to support any survivor of violent circumstances. If you want some sick merch, head over to their site and use code "FIRE10" at checkout for 10% off your entire purchase.You can find "I Came With Fire Podcast" on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube. For our socials, head over to Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Don't forget to like, follow, and subscribe so you never miss an episode!