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"The Yin to my Yang" - with Jade English
Pineapple Founder and Director Juliette talks through Jade's eclectic career full of freedom and creativity - and discusses her work on The Apprentice: Qualified, Finding Feel Good and Love Island The Morning After with Pineapple. <br> <br> Jade is a presenter and content producer. She is a regular on BBC Radio Manchester and has worked for one of the top radio stations in Australia, as well as running her own internal comms podcast company. <br> <br> Each episode, we’re giving you tips, tricks, ideas and inspiration – and we’ll reflect on a project with one of our clients or team – the background to it, it’s successes, challenges and more. <br> <br> And we’re very lucky to be supported by...<br> <br> · Liobites, who make incredible raw, freeze dried crisps (try the strawberry ones!)<br> · Stelar, a handwoven handbag company making bags sustainably in Bali <br> · House of Kalmar, a selfcare brand all about empowering you to reconnect with yourself<br> · Ice Cool Design, a super stylish eco-friendly wine cooler option<br> · And Audioboom, one of the leading podcast publishers who help you get your podcast to Apple, Spotify and the rest – we use them for tons of our content distribution so we’re big fans