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"TNN Live!" Tuesday, September 26, 2023 with Investigative Journalist Steve Baker
A blockbuster "revelation" story of abundant wrongdoing at the Capitol on Jan. 5, 2020, is imminent for publication by Steve Baker. "Any day now, it will be cleared for publication," is what Steve said. " Steve further told us the FBI talked to his attorney, basically threatening Steve, telling the attorney, "We don't want him to get in more trouble than he already is." The U.S. has been sending millions in aid to Ukraine. But we discovered that a massive portion of that has NOT been going to fight the war with Ukraine but has been used to fund private businesses in Ukraine! This happens as Pres. Biden wants to send $24 billion more in support to Ukraine! Nearly FIFTY schoolchildren went missing in Cleveland in September alone, while over ONE THOUSAND have vanished so far this year in an "alarming" trend that's left Ohio cops baffled. In today's show, we discuss all this plus much more.