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"Unlocking Success: A Conversation on Mindset with Claudia Inoa and Young Athlete Giovanna"
Welcome back to the electrifying realm of the Neighborhood Sellers Podcast! Your hosts, the dynamic Nico and Sasha Attanasio, the driving force behind the Neighborhood Sellers team, are here to whisk you away on another thrilling journey through the crossroads of real estate and sports.Hold onto your seats because this episode is packed with surprises and inspiration. Joining the podcast this week is not just one, but two remarkable guests. First in the spotlight is Claudia Inoa, a luminary in luxury real estate and the magnetic host of the "Claim Your Throne Queen" podcast. Claudia's insight into the power of mindset sets the stage for an enlightening discussion about how our thinking shapes our achievements in real estate and life as a whole.But wait, there's more! The excitement reaches new heights as Nico and Sasha introduce a truly exceptional guest: none other than their own 7-year-old daughter, Giovanna. With dreams of becoming the best in hockey, Giovanna brings a fresh and aspiring perspective to the table. Her candid insights into the role of mindset in sports and beyond add a dash of youthful wisdom to the conversation, showcasing that determination knows no age limit.As the episode unfolds, be on the lookout for a pivotal moment – a moment that Nico seizes to make an important announcement. The suspense builds, and when the announcement arrives, it's bound to reshape the trajectory of the podcast and perhaps even the world of real estate and sports.From the glamour of real estate deals to the grit of athletic pursuits, this episode of the Neighborhood Sellers Podcast is a fusion of insight, enthusiasm, and revelation. Walk away with practical takeaways, heartfelt stories, and a fresh perspective on the power of mindset. So, whether you're aiming to conquer the real estate market, score goals on the field, or simply embrace a winning mentality in life, this episode is your ultimate guide. Tune in, absorb the electrifying energy, and prepare to revolutionize your perspective on success!