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Radical Collaboration (w/Debi Wong & Ashley Daniel Foot)
Happy Sagittarius Season, lovely Scorekeepers! This week on the pod, we're going to try something a little different. As we mentioned on the last show, Rocky was recently invited up to Vancouver, BC to participate in IndieFest, a 10-day festival of art, music and panels and a radical imagining of the future of opera, presented by re:Naissance Opera and Vancouver Opera. And it was really, really transformative and lovely and cool! Luckily, while there, he was able to snag a few minutes to talk with two brilliant, passionate Global Majority opera pros and changemakers, who are turning opera in Canada on its head (in the best way)! So today on the show, please enjoy an extended conversation with Debi Wong, founding Artistic Director of re:Naissance Opera, and Ashley Daniel Foot, Vancouver Opera's Senior Manager of Partnerships, Engagement and EDI. And after our chat, be sure to stay tuned for your weekly dose of Pure Black Joy! Let's do it to it, y'all!Hosts: Lee Bynum, Rocky Jones, Paige Reynolds (Iyawo Inawale)Guests: Ashley Daniel Foot, Debi WongProducer: Rocky Jones--LinksRe:Naissance Opera (Website) (Insta) Vancouver Opera (Website) (Insta) IndieFest (Website)--New episodes of THE SCORE drop every other Wednesday. If you like what you hear, please support us and SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favorite podcast app and be sure to SHARE our show with your friends. Also, leaving a 5-star REVIEW on Apple Podcasts is a great way to help people find our show. For more info about the exciting EDI work happening at MN Opera, please visit mnopera.org/edi. Email your questions or comments to thescore@mnopera.org