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Raquel is talking scrumpy! Growers Original Dry Cider.
In this episode, Raquel is talking scrumpy! Growers Original Dry Cider. Join her on a thrilling journey as she explores the rich heritage and masterful craftsmanship behind this exquisite beverage. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with each sip of Growers Original Dry cider. Its zesty apple flavours burst onto your palate, creating a symphony of fruity goodness that will make your taste buds do a happy dance. This cider strikes the perfect balance between tartness and sweetness, leaving you with a satisfied smile that lingers long after the last drop.Raquel will uncover the Growers orchards, where the finest apples are handpicked and transformed into liquid gold. Learn about the meticulous fermentation process that brings out the cider's distinctive character.From cozy gatherings to wild celebrations, Growers Original Dry cider is the life of the party, and we'll show you how to unlock its full potential.Grab a glass, sit back, and join Raquel on this audio adventure into the world of Growers Original Dry Cider. Whether you're a seasoned cider lover or new to the game, we promise an engaging, exciting, and fun exploration that will leave you craving your next sip.Cheers!