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Recommerce: Billion Dollar Market Potential and Opportunities for Brands and Startups
Why Recommerce is the Future Friendly Ecommerce? Join us in this episode as Maaz engages in an absorbing conversation with Niall Murphy, the tech-savvy CEO of EVRYTHNG, who also moonlights as a trailblazing entrepreneur. Throughout the podcast, Niall delves into the burgeoning trend of recommerce, sustainable shopping practices for today's consumers, and his predictions for the recommerce market's trajectory in 2024. Additionally, Niall provides insights into how Levi's, the iconic denim brand, has pioneered a groundbreaking platform for the resale of second-hand products.<br/><br/>Niall also sheds light on why he believes that resale has the potential to shape the future of technology, showcasing its versatility across various industries. Furthermore, he elaborates on the abundant recommerce opportunities within the retail sector.<br/><br/>As the episode draws to a close, Niall leaves listeners with invaluable takeaways on harnessing the potential of recommerce to implement a successful resale strategy for their businesses. Be sure to tune in to gain a deeper understanding of these intriguing insights and explore the exciting world of recommerce.<br/><br/>Check our website: www.Codup.coContact: https://codup.co/contact-us/