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REPLAY: Disability & Medical Trauma with Jessica Brito, LCSW
Original Air Date: January 30th, 2023Joining me on this episode is my guest Jessica Brito. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and founder of Take Control Therapeutic Services. She obtained her bachelor's degree in Psychology from Cal State Fullerton and her Master’s degree in Social Work from USC. She is an Ambassador for Triumph foundation which is an organization that provides outreach to those living with spinal cord injury. She is also the Co-Founder of Read Amigas, a book club dedicated to leading women in self-care. As a Latinx woman living in a wheelchair she works to provide services to diverse people. In this episode, Jessica discusses:Her personal story and how it led to working with others who experience medical and health trauma.What is medical and health trauma?How the body stores traumaChronic health issuesHow therapy can help and what therapy looks like for disability and chronic health issues<br/>Jessica’s Website: https://takecontroltherapy.com/ Jessica’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@takecontroltherapy6230 Jessica’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/takecontroltherapy/ Jessica’ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/takecontroltherapy/Open Mind Night website: https://openmindnight.captivate.fmTo find out more about the host, Robyn Tamanaha, go here: https://www.robyntamanahatherapy.com/Support The Podcast: Like what you hear? Help us to keep this going by giving us a tip on Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/openmindnightpodcastStay up to date: If you would like to stay up-to-date, please subscribe to this podcast and follow the podcast Instagram: @openmindnightpodMusic Credit: https://www.purple-planet.comDISCLAIMER: This podcast is not psychotherapy or counseling. If you need to speak with a professional, you should find one local to you and contact them directly. IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, PLEASE CALL YOUR LOCAL EMERGENCY NUMBER OR GO TO YOUR NEAREST EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT