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Review of all B2B assets
Society is embracing the benefits of real-time electronic payments, but in the world of B2B AR and AP, digital money transfers are still a rarity. And while individual consumers are making the most of cashless transactions, many institutions in every vertical still find themselves having to cut and cash checks manually, wasting their own (and their stakeholders') time. But moving money between businesses doesn't have to be this hard - real-time electronic payments are here.
In today's episode of Forces in Fintech, our host, Dara Dierks is joined by Executive Vice President of REPAY, Darin Horrocks to examine the state of real-time digital payments in the B2B sector. They'll discuss the forces driving digital payments and ask what opportunities the future of electronic transactions will bring. They'll also look at some of the challenges facing widespread digital payment adoption and assess the market potential of digital B2B payments.
We'll also find out:
1:13 - Who is Darin Horrocks and what did the early digital payments landscape look like?
2:40 - What has the evolution of B2B payments looked like over the years? And what is the TAM within B2B payments?
5:26 - What kind of verticals does REPAY provide digital payments for?
7:36 - What kind of assets does REPAY offer to clients?
9:56 - How does REPAY divide its approach between ERP and direct sales?
14:13 - What kind of growth is REPAY experiencing?
12:49 - What is REPAY's biggest competitor in each vertical?
15:18 - What will the future bring for B2B payments? How will it evolve?
To find out how real-time electronic payments can benefit your business, head over to https://www.repay.com/ for more.