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S100 Ep 4 Elong Must use his 7 fingers and be nailed to his new Sandwich maker.
Lust for power overcomes Elon Musk as he bankrolls Harry Sussex and Merple Marble's new film loosely based on cannibalism in the Royal House of Windsor. <br/><br/>Tom Hanks has signed a lucrative deal with The Weinstein Company to portray former prince Andrew's penis. His scrotum will be played by the freshly exhumed corpse of Ray Liotta.<br/><br/>King Charles will be played by the remaining corgis and the Kings Ford Escort, Camilla Pocket Bowels will be played by a box of cabbage. Harry and Merkin will be played by the schizophrenic Joaquinine Pheasant and the entire exquisite mess will be directed by a freshly reanimated Jeff Bezos who recently succumbed to a bout of anonymity.<br/><br/>Having dipped his toe into the murky swamps of the highfalutin cinema magic, Old Musky is now hellbent on producing his own fillums on Jupiter when he becomes the 4th Intergalactic Emperor of Entertainment. That's if Rupert Murdoch gets finally bored and resigns from the job.<br/><br/>All in all it's a fascinating episode this week and it may even finally land the Brians a much coveted place in the Wireless and Crystal Radio Set, Cardboard Box of Fame.