S2|E19 - MHR - Running & Your Menstrual Cycle: The Good, The Bad & The Beautiful with Emma Pallant-Browne
If you have ever struggled to stick to a training plan because of your period, this episode is for you!It's true what they say "women can do anything that men can do; while bleeding too", nothing epitomises that statement more than the viral photograph of Emma Pallant-Browne, captured during the run leg of a Triathlon with period blood visible on her Trisuit.Of course she could've selected another photograph to share or even cropped out the "incriminating" area, but why would she when "its a natural and beautiful thing?". In this episode of Making HER Runner, we take a deep dive into the good, the bad and the beautiful world of training as a female athlete. The topics we cover include:The complex relationship between fuelling, training and the menstrual cycle.Eating issues, body weight and the affects on performance.Injuries, over-training and cross-training.How to train and race on your period.Practical tips for managing menstrual symptoms.Menstrual cups vs tampons.The world of racing Triathlons and how to get into Tri as a beginner.<br/>These kind of conversations are flipping the narrative and challenging stigmas around female health. Thank you Emma, for your bravery and your honesty!If you would like to make a donation to The Red Movement and pledge a menstrual cup to a girl in need you can make a donation of R100 via Zapper by following the link: https://www.zapper.com/payWith....Zapper/?qr=http%3A%2 the show!