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S2 Ep10: Ask Business-Level Questions with Tom Slocum
This episode of Hopp on Calls with Kevin Hopp is the last part of the conversation with Tom Slocum, Founder of The SD Lab. Today, Kevin highlights the importance of understanding your prospect’s industry so you don't have to ask questions like "what is your pain," as prospects don't think about this. Kevin and Tom also discuss how to speak to prospects on a level way with the founder-to-founder approach. QUOTESUnderstand your prospects so you don't ask what their pain is - Kevin: "Ask business level questions and have that business level conversation with your prospect as opposed to asking if they're in pain because they don't think about pain, but they do think about things like, I need more top of funnel. I need a better process. I need reliability."Use the founder-to-founder approach to level the field - Tom: "That's another one I've been experimenting with where I'm actually kind of like leveling founder to founder and trying to find out if I can just get feedback, pitch them my concept without pitching them, and kind of see if they're open to showing me the structure." Find out more about Tom and connect with him in the links below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomslocum/ You can connect with Kevin Hopp in the link below:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khopp/ Hopp on Calls is powered by Kixie.Hone the craft of outbound sales at Cold Calling 101. Click [here] to listen in to Part 1 of my conversation with Tom!