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S3E6: Don't Sign It! | The Divide of Blue Blood Africans & African Americans | FANG ft. Quaality
It’s crazy how you can meet people in a new environment to later discover you all grew up in Brooklyn! What’s shaking our people? On the FANG podcast, Quaality, a Brooklyn artist came to shake the stu. He is not only an artist but Mukri’s college friend. Quaality shares how college granted him the opportunities to meet new people from different ethnic backgrounds and to learn their cultures. He thinks he can pass for Nigerian but only knows Jollof rice but we’ll teach him. As a bonus, we talked about marriages, prenups, and why you should/shouldn’t sign those papers! LISTEN TO US WHEREVER YOU LISTEN TO PODCASTS! https://linktr.ee/thefangpodcastCONNECT WITH THE HOSTS!MUKRIMAT Instagram + TikTok: @its_mukriIG Portfolio: @by_mukriREBECCA Instagram + TikTok: @thatqueenbecc IG Portfolio: @touchedbybeccsGUESTQUAALITYInstagram: @quaality_ https://linktr.ee/quaality_ DM or send an email to wearefanggroup@gmail.com with any questions, topics and feedback! We appreciate your support!––Music Credits––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AUGMENTED | Afrobeat Library | Music for content creators | Afrobeat | Royalty Free Music | No Copyright https://youtu.be/Gt7Qqj-eoyI Creative Commons — Attribution - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Affiliated YouTube channel | https://www.youtube.com/c/KaseemBada –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––