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Schemin' & Dreamin' with Adam Witherspoon
Adam Witherspoon-- one of the three amigos in Minneapolis fermentation collective 3Leche, and notorious barman and bar program curator about town-- ended his hot summer day kiddy pool soak, and polished off his G&T for this. What a guy!LFE sponsor Beam Suntory made the transition a bit easier with some summery beverages (at bottom of full description!) for Adam to share with Ben and Charles, and they used their reprieve from the hot hot heat to discuss: 🥵 Fave activities on a hot summer afternoon🍸 Cocktail trends that 1) should go away and 2) should grow in popularity🎡 What activities are you doing if you're locked in an amusement park operated by friendly robots? 🧺 What's the food on the picnic table that you cannot stop eating, no matter how terrible it is?🥤 A timeline of your favorite beverages-- alcoholic or not-- from childhood to current day📆 How adept are you at taking time for yourself, and ignoring the white noise of your vocations and businesses? Crank that AC and the volume knob, and let it rip! Beverages of ChoiceThe hosts and their guest drank:On the Rocks: Jalapeño Pineapple MargaritaSipsmith Strawberry SmashFIND USFacebook | Instagram