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Sept. 7, 2023 "Real History" with Melissa (Podcast): "Ep. 34 - Mary: Teacher, Pilot, Sculptor, Adventurer"
--{ "Ep. 34 - Mary: Teacher, Pilot, Sculptor, Adventurer"}-- Finding Your True Purpose, Meaning - Aunt Mary Visiting from South Texas - Betty and Mary Talked about WWII - Crazy Horse Memorial, South Dakota - Mary Learned to Fly and Got Her Pilot's License - Mary was Asked to Be a Band Director, Learned All the Instruments; Built the Band Up from 17 Students to a 125 Piece First Division Band - Moved to South Texas and Taught Music, Allowed Her to Get Teacher's Pension - The Hispanic Culture of South Texas - Mary's Friend Violet, the Computer Teacher - McAllen, Texas - Mary's Daughter and Son-in-Law Lived in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, for Many Years - After Retiring from Teaching, Mary Started Taking Sculpture Classes in San Miguel and Later in Austin, Texas - Lost Wax Process of Bronze Sculpting - Son is Great Drummer and Music Teacher; Grandson Winning Drum Competitions - For Many Years, Mary Ran a Business Doing Weddings, Cakes, Catering, Flowers; Has a Patent on One of Her Wedding Decorations - Mary's Peaceful Parents, Creative Mother, Got Strength from Her Mother - Patience to Try Things and Not Give Up - Seldom Gets Angry - Travels, Adventures and Misadventures - Find the Right Teacher and Keep Learning New Things.