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Series 3 Episode 9 - Reflections on the NHIVNA Conference and Highlighting a Podcast
Monkeypox In this episode, Michelle and Producer Dan talk about the 2023 NHIVNA Conference and Michelle shares and reviews one of her favourite new podcasts.Episode Guest - Producer DanProducer Dan works as a Senior Lecturer in Nursing at Anglia Ruskin University. He has been working on HIV Matters since the beginning and we are always thankful of the work he puts in to give us our great episodes.Additional Information and Links National HIV Nurse Association (NHIVNA) www.nhivna.org.HIV Matters Bookstorehttps://uk.bookshop.org/shop/HIVMattersHow to contact the show Hello@hivmatterspodcast.co.ukhttps://hiv-matters.captivate.fm
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